To ensure the history of the City of Canada Bay area is preserved, we are continually seeking donations from members of the public.

If you have any old photos (including school, work, buildings or family photos) relating to our history that you would be willing to share, we can scan and place a copy in our archives, or if you have any historical artefacts, including old school uniforms or other interesting items you would like to donate to our museum, please contact the secretary.

If you have items pertaining to our area that you do not wish to donate, but would be prepared to lend for special displays, we could like to discuss this with you.

We would also like to collect stories of our area you can share, anything you remember about going to school, work, recreation or other activities in the area – either in written form or through our Oral History programme – for our archives.

We are continually seeking items for our monthly newsletter, “Nurungi” – either personal stories, or something interesting you may have seen elsewhere.

If you lived, worked or went to school in the City of Canada Bay, YOU are part of our wonderful history. Please share with us